Beach Cleanup Tour 2019

Spot On Learning joined the 'Boskalis Cleanup Tour 2019'
On Tuesday August 13th, the staff of Spot On Learning joined the ‘Boskalis Beach Cleanup Tour 2019’. And what a great day it was. With approximately 50 people from the maritime sector and a big group of other volunteers we picked up more than 300 kg of litter on the beach between Wassenaar and Noordwijk.

We were surprised about the amount of small pieces of plastic, cigarette filters and even broken glass that we picked up. It was a great experience and a real eye opener, reconfirming how much pollution we all create. We would like to thank the North Sea Foundation for their commitment to a cleaner environment and for a well organised day. 

The Boskalis Beach Cleanup Tour is a North Sea Foundation initiative. This organization has been involved in protecting the North Sea for more than 35 years. It focuses on four goals: protecting nature, clean sea, sustainable fishing and environmentally friendly energy. Together with others they work on solving the biggest environmental challenges in the North Sea. The Boskalis Beach Cleanup Tour is an awareness campaign that is part of the Clean Sea program.

Beach Cleanup Tour 2019

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1033 NW Amsterdam
The Netherlands

+31 (0) 20 30 80 041

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