Spot On Learning was founded in 2014 by a group of experienced Dutch entrepreneurs. One of the founding companies has worked on online ventures since 1993, the other founder has worked in the Netherlands and abroad for a number of Dutch multinational companies. The Spot On Learning sales and support team has it's office in the center of Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
We develop online and blended learning programs for international teams and crews. We focus on:
Online technology has already changed and is still changing our world. For better and worse. We do believe in online and data-driven. But only if it helps human beings work together in a better way. Better for business, better for the people that work in international environments, in teams and crews with members from different backgrounds, nationalities and cultures. We are constantly looking for ways to make learning and changing easier because people in international environments need to do it all the time.
Spot On Learning chooses to work with a small team and a large network. As an online company we are flexible to build a network and stay in touch with our network by online means. We are proud to work in close cooperation with our clients and to share knowledge, networks and resources. For example, we work with (English language) teachers in Kaliningrad and Vladivostok that are part of the network of one of our maritime clients. We cooperate on a daily basis with teachers and developers that work for our partner EnglishCentral. They help us test participants in our English language programs and develop a great learning platform that we use for many of our (language) programs. Many of our EnglishCentral colleagues are based in The Philippines. We will keep on building our network and find ways to work with specialists in different fields.
Spot On Learning
Disketteweg 14
1033 NW Amsterdam
The Netherlands